Our aim is to help local residents become greener consumers and more active members of our community. Over time, our resources page will contain directories of places to buy locally made or grown gifts, food and drink and details on clubs and societies you can join. You will also find details on recycling and reducing waste here.
1. Hurstpierpoint Gift Directory
We’ve put together a list of over nearly 80 local businesses who work in and around our villages, creating, hand-crafting or providing services. Please consider them when buying your next gift!
2. Local Recycling Guide
We’ve put together a comprehensive list of where to recycle most household items local to Hurstpierpoint. Check it out and keep your household waste out of landfill.
3. Hurstpierpoint Clubs & Societies
We are blessed to have so many clubs and societies in our village. There is something for everyone, of all age groups and interests. We keep this list constantly updated so if you have a suggestion, please let us know.