In a recent report titled ‘Why local electricity pricing holds the key to a Net Zero energy system’, published by Policy Exchange, Conservative MP Bim Afolami stated: “it’s absolutely right that the Government looks again at the design of the electricity market to ensure that it’s fit for purpose.”
We agree. The current energy market rules are outdated and no longer fit for purpose. They were created in the 1990s when the system was dominated by large power stations. Today, the UK’s energy supply is increasingly decentralised and there is massive potential for more of it to be owned and run by local communities.

Power For People
This is why a campaign group called ‘Power For People‘ has been set up to push MPs to vote in the Local Electricity Bill.
It has been crucial in getting 236 MPs (over a third of the House of Commons) to support it. Our MP, Andrew Griffith, is one of them – mainly thanks to local lobbying by constituents.
A quote from Power For People “I have seen this many times before. Indeed, with the Climate Change Act, it was the bombarding of MPs by local constituents that changed it from being a hope to a reality. With the Sustainable Communities Act it was constituents turning up in their hundreds at local meetings that changed outright Government ‘opposition’ to ‘not supporting’ and then to ‘support’.
I have seen it time and again: constituents’ pressure on MPs leads to them pressuring Ministers. In short, it works. And, with your help, it can work again with the Local Electricity Bill!”
With this in mind, please write to Andrew, asking him to:
- Write to the new Energy Minister (the Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP) on your behalf, as a constituent, urging her to back the Bill. This will demonstrate to the minister the widespread support for the Bill.
- Send you any reply that he receives from Ms Trevelyan.
If you need help with your content, you can find a template here .
You can email Andrew at or, better still, write to him at
Andrew Griffith MP
House of Commons
Lobbying by constituents DOES work. Please help us.